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Surf & Beach Life

#GBmemorymakers - Light Flares

#GBmemorymakers - Light Flares

It's 2019 - which means old is cool again. The dreaded light flare (film burn, lens leak- whatever you want to call it) that dates back from the start of film photography has really made its mark in this social media craze. What was once a total photo ruiner is now a photo maker. Most light flares these days happen with an app, but the reeeeaaaal ones happen naturally! How? Film. If you're lucky- they can happen by accident (like the beauties below) but if you are aiming to shoot an orange glow through the middle of your frame- there are ways in which you can make it happen on purpose.

Shooting towards the sun is an easy way to try and get some light flares. You can also (gently-ish) give your disposable camera a good whack against the ground or wall. This gives the plastic a chance to slightly separate, therefore exposing your film to some light- likely giving you some light flares. Get fun, get creative, get funky. Shooting on film will kinda force you to shoot in places and angles you normally wouldn’t because you'll be so into it. When you're disconnected from your phone camera and using a disposable, you (literally) never know how it’ll turn out.

Here are some unexpected light flares and glares from our 35mm Memory Maker. 

Get Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker Camera

We had a double exposure too! ^ Here's how to do that with a disposable camera.

Get Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker CameraGet Back Memory Maker Camera

That's actually just a thumb ^ 😂

Get Back Memory Maker Camera

Get Back Memory Maker Camera

Wanna learn more about how to get the absolute best shots on a disposable camera? We made a tutorial! You can watch it here

Read next:   Keeping it Sustainable At the GB Office

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Keeping it Sustainable At the GB Office

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