I’m sure you’ve heard us use the term ‘goin’ steady’ in our posts before, but did you know what it meant about our jewelry? If ya didn’t, we’re here to fill ya in;)
If you’ve read or been told the history behind the Saint Christopher Medallion, you know that in the 60’s and 70’s surfers and travelers used to wear a St. Chris for protection. Whether they were in the water surfing or on their next adventure, if they had a St. Christopher, they knew they would be protected. This is the main history of how the surf medal has evolved over the years into what we now call Get Back Necklaces.

Now here’s for the cute part;)
Around the same time frame, couples used to exchange the Saint Christopher as a symbol of ‘going steady’. If you and your girlfriend/boyfriend wanted each other to know that you were happy and loved one another in the relationship, then you would exchange the St. Christopher with each other. How freakin’ adorable is that?! In fact, we still get customers today that tell us their stories of how their significant other gave them a St. Chris in Highschool! If my boyfriend doesn’t give me a Get Back Necklace soon, I guess I gotta dump him…hehe just kidding.

Today, we also give our surf medals to our favorite pals and all the people we care about. So, that’s why Get Back Necklaces are the perfect gift for everyone! That special someone, your long distance bestie, someone you meet in the lineup or put them on collars for your favorite furry friends.